Tuesday, October 2, 2007


The Sleeping Giant
By Jonathan J. Hinrichs

In Pompeii, which was built around two thousand years ago, there was a sleeping giant. It wasn’t really a person, it was really a volcano. Pompeii was a town that was built underneath the volcano. The people thought it was a beautiful mountain.
One day it started getting ready to blast off. All these people were just coming and coming to Pompeii, to sell things, and to buy things. And there were carts rattling which woke up the people. It started as a normal day. Then the people were looking out of their windows just as the volcano blasted off.
The volcano’s name was Vesuvius. It had hot lava and gases. The gases are what make the volcano erupt and go everywhere. The people started to hide in their houses or run out of their houses to the beach. They had to run to the beach to escape. There were little volcano pebbles falling on their heads. Some people found pillows to cover their heads. The volcano was not done. There were ashes that started to fill up the houses to the second window. Soon the city was buried, only the tops could be seen.
There was a little boy who lived near Pompeii who grew up and became a writer and he wrote about the volcano. Hundreds of years later scientists came in and they had a lot of excitement that they found Pompeii.
Now it’s more like a museum than a town. A lot of people came and scientists to see if the sleeping giant would wake up again. Then there were a lot of people who came from all these different countries, America, and Italy. Vesuvius and Pompeii are in Italy. They don’t know if the sleeping giant will wake again.


Joe and Carrie said...

Was the little boy who wrote about it Pliny the Younger? (Aunt Christy) It's funny that the volcano is called The Sleeping Giant. (Christian) How did the little boy escape from the volcano? (Benjamin)

Joe and Carrie said...

Christian,I said the sleeping giant because the book said it and it made sense to me. Here were all these people under this huge mountain. It was like a huge sleeping giant. Aunt Christy, yes, it was Pliny the Younger who wrote about Vesuvius. Ben, the little boy escaped because he was completely on the other side of the bay, so the lava never got close to that side of the bay.