Sunday, September 30, 2007

Lengths of Time

Uncle Joe wants to send his thoughts on "Time"

Lengths of Time
by Phyllis McGinley
Time is peculiar
And hardly exact.
Though minutes are minutes,
You'll find for a fact
(As the older you get
And the bigger you grow)
That time can
Or p l o d, p l o d, s l o w.
Waiting for your dinner when your hungry?
Down with the sniffles in your bed?
Notice how an hour crawls along and crawls along
Like a snail with his house upon his head.
But when you are starting
A game in the park,
It's morning,
It's noon,
And suddenly dark.
And hours like seconds
Rush blurringly by,
Like a plane in the sky.


Hi Family!!!
We are excited about the possibility of sharing our "writings" with each other. We look forward to reading from YOU! :)